Privacy Policy

Peace of mind is paramount at We want to make it perfectly clear that we will never take your Email address and spam you ourselves or give it to anyone else to spam. When you give us your Email it stops there.

No one from will ever contact you asking for your personal information, if you get an Email asking for personal information delete it and then please send us an Email letting us know you stopped someone’s stupid plot to take advantage of you, we’ll commend you on a job well done.

We take great pride in our reputation at as a site you can trust, we would never violate that trust you give us.

As you’ve noticed by now runs advertisements. These are run by a third party company and are tailored to appeal to each user. They do this by using cookies to collect information that cannot be used to collect any personal information about you. A cookie cannot tell us who you are or anything about you besides you went to our site clicked an ad for an RPG and they know to run more ads about RPG’s on the site.

Cookies are not harmful, for those who are still worried please read this article HERE.

Is there any more to cookies than that? No. They are simply text strings. On my machine there is a directory called c:windowscookies that contains all of the cookies. They are little text files — you can open them up and see the strings that are being saved. Are cookies harmful? No. They are just short text strings, and they can often make browsing better by allowing a server to recall any customized information you have set. Are cookies common? Yes. There are over 500 separate cookies on my hard disk. Can cookies transmit computer viruses? No. They are just text strings. Can a company read my personal information from my hard disk with a cookie? No. Only the cookie that is sent in the first place is returned to the server. It is not modified or manipulated in any way.

If you would like to opt out of having your information collected here is an article to do so. Please take note that doing this wont cancel out the ads you see, they’ll still be there they just wont be tailored to you personally.

There may be instances that by clicking one of the ads running on the site it takes you to an order form or survey that you will be required to enter your information. Keep in mind that our advertising partners are trusted companies that would never violate your personal information.

Our goal is to make your stay here as safe as possible.