
Dungeon Stars launching on Steam Early Access April 26, 2018

This game has really caught my eye, the art style just jumped at me. When you play at national casino, you will enjoy the convenience, easy deposits, and easy access to various games, among others.

[alert variation=”alert-info”]Montreal, April 4, 2018 – Riposte Games & Co, the developer behind smash hit Mini Guns and Dallas based Furnace Games, spearheaded by industry legends Allan Ditzig and Jim Montgomery, are pleased to unveil the first details about their upcoming title Dungeon Stars, a side-scrolling hack & slash dungeon crawler. For more fun online titles to try we recommend you to visit the low deposit casino ireland.

Dungeon Stars is an explosive evolution of the classic dungeon crawler with addictive button-smashing action set in a world populated by lovable characters, a beautifully rich 3D environment, and rapid progression. With games like PubG you can get pubg cheats to explore the game better.

– A visually stunning blend of 3D lighting technology with hyper-expressive 2D-Style characters. Collect 15 charming and adventurous heroes, each with their own unique powers and special quests to perform. Team them up to take on various challenges.

– Simple and addictive action-combat that has heroes blasting through hordes of enemies. Block powerful enemy attacks, Smash through enemy shields, and unleash rapid Attacks to deal damage as fast as possible. As you defeat enemies, you power up your Special Abilities to turn the tables on dangerous opponents and powerful Bosses.

– Powerful pets and gear creating a variety of magical combinations and capabilities to explore. Level-up your heroes to unlock abilities and boost their stats; equip magic gems and pets to give them new powers; customize your heroes to match your play style.

– 40+ adventures with special procedural content that bolsters replay and exploration. Random encounters, secret rooms, and loot are never the same twice.[/alert]

I’ve been fortunate enough to receive a preview build of the game and you can read about it in my Quick Look HERE.


Full time cat dad/Full time streamer. Feline power broker, goofball, motivational speaker, conversationalist. I take care of 9 special needs cats and stream with my tuxedo cat Simon on Twitch. Come join the family.